Alcohol and Drug Studies
Alcohol and Drug Studies provides you with a broad knowledge of drug and alcohol issues in the community including the biology of addiction, co-existing problems and planning for lifestyle changes.

Subject overview
By specialising in Alcohol and Drug Studies you can advance your understanding of the causes and treatment of addictive behaviours and the biology of addiction. You will also learn about assessment, intervention, management and treatment of addiction disorders while gaining theory and skills in counselling practice.
Alcohol and Drug Studies is a valuable specialisation for healthcare professionals such as addiction practitioners, medical practitioners, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other professionals whose work involves drug and alcohol services.
This specialisation is a recognised pathway for health professionals wishing to receive accreditation with DAPAANZ (Drug and Alcohol Practitioners Association of Aotearoa – New Zealand).
Where can Drug and Alcohol Studies take you?
This specialisation will be of considerable value to addiction practitioners, medical practitioners, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other professionals whose practice includes such problems.