Doctoral study in Audiology
Why study with us?
- Strong links with Speech Sciences, the Department of Physiology and other sections belonging to the School of Population Health
- Facilities include sound-proof rooms, molecular biology, cellular and systematic physiology, and microscopy
- Access a wide range of audiology equipment, including sound level meters, audiometers, immittance meters, video otoscope, real ear analysers and test box equipment, ear mould modification equipment and evoked potential testing equipment
Research opportunities
There are excellent facilities in the Audiology Section of the University and within audiology departments in Auckland hospitals for researching a variety of topics.
We welcome research proposals in topics relating to our research areas:
- Hearing science
- Mechanisms, assessment and management of tinnitus
- Use of digital technology, hearing aids and music in the management of tinnitus
- Noise induced hearing loss
- Cochlear physiology and pathophysiology
- Mechanisms and the diagnosis of sensorineural deafness
- Auditory evoked potentials
- Central auditory processing
- Auditory habituation and otoacoustic emissions
We also participate in joint research between the University and private industry partners through the National Institute for Health Innovation (NIHI).
Our people
Dr David Welch
David's research interests are hearing and hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss, soundscape, and hearing health promotion.
Associate Professor Holly Teagle
Holly's research interests include all aspects of cochlear implant recipient care with a focus on device efficacy and clinical management of special populations.
Professor Grant Searchfield
Grant's research focus is cognitive processes involved in tinnitus perception and innovative technology for management of hearing loss and tinnitus.
Professor Peter Thorne
Peter is interested in noise-induced hearing loss mechanisms and prevention, mechanisms and diagnosis of sensorineural deafness.
Experience doctoral study

Alehandrea's PhD is titled 'Taringa Whakarongo: Older Māori and whānau experiences and perspectives of hearing loss and hearing health care services', using Kaupapa Māori research to improve hearing service delivery that is by and for older Māori and whānau.
For her project, she is looking at how older Māori and whānau experience hearing loss and hearing services in New Zealand. She is accompanying study participants to audiology appointments and is conducting interviews with participants and whānau.
“For most of my clinical career, I’ve been stuck in a soundproof booth”, she says. “However, this PhD journey and the kaupapa have given me a lot more confidence to get out in the community, learn how to build and maintain relationships, have conversations, and listen to our koroua, kuia, and their whānau stories.”
Scholarships and awards
There are several scholarships you may be eligible for when you decide to pursue your doctoral studies in Audiology.
Contact us
Associate Professor Grant Searchfield
Head of Section, Audiology
Phone: +64 9 923 8404