Undergraduate study in Biological Sciences

Learn about your undergraduate study options for Biological Sciences.

What can you study in Biological Sciences?

You can study Biological Sciences as a major in the Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Biology lies at the core of New Zealand’s economic and natural environments. The biological sciences have never been more important for preserving our economic prosperity and the natural biodiversity of our islands in the face of global threats such as climate change and population growth.

Discovery in the biosciences has advanced at breathtaking speed, leading to a new generation of therapies in health and medicine, sustainable consumer-focused products in ag biotech industries, and novel strategies for the protection of fragile ecosystems.

The Biological Sciences major captures the transformational potential of modern bioscience across all areas, giving students an integrated knowledge base across the discipline, with training in the relevant skillsets for employment in this area while offering the opportunity for specialist study choices in niche areas.

Structuring your programme in Biological Sciences

If you began your degree prior to 2019 we recommend you seek advice to make sure you are taking the correct courses. Visit your online help and support centre, AskAuckland

Browse undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences

Where can undergraduate study in Biological Sciences take you?

Many avenues open up to graduates with training in Biological Sciences.

Jobs related to Biological Sciences include:

  • Aquaculture, aquatic or marine biologist
  • Biomedical representative
  • Biotechnologist
  • Entomologist
  • Environmental consultant
  • Fisheries or food scientist
  • Lab technician or research scientist

Further study options

Help and advice

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