Postgraduate study in Chemistry

What can you study in Chemistry?
Postgraduate study in Chemistry covers research from across a wide range of chemical sciences.
You might find yourself in a research group designing enzyme inhibitors for diseases such as cancer, preparing new catalysts to help harness solar energy, developing a greater understanding and control of wine aromas, or designing new analytical instrumentation using laser micromachining. To aid this wide range of activities we have an excellent suite of chemical instrumentation and state of the art laboratories.
Postgraduate study in Chemistry can be divided into two general areas - traditional chemistry, such as analytical, educational, environmental, inorganic, materials, medicinal, organic and physical chemistry - or, additional disciplines such as forensics, food, wine, polymers and coatings, or green chemistry.
Structuring your postgraduate programme in Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSc(Hons)) in Chemistry
60 points from:
- CHEM 793B BSc(Hons) Dissertation in Chemistry
To complete this course students must enrol in CHEM 793 A, or CHEM 793
60 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 712 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 740 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
- CHEM741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
- CHEM 750 or CHEM 750A
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 or CHEM 751A
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
- CHEM 780 Advanced Materials Chemistry
Or 45 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 712 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 740 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 750 or CHEM 750A
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 or CHEM 751A
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
- CHEM 780 Advanced Materials Chemistry
And a further 15 points from 700 level courses in a related subject:
Postgraduate Diploma in Science (PGDipSci) in Chemistry
At least 90 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 712 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 740 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
- CHEM 750 or CHEM 750A
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 or CHEM 751A
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
- CHEM 780 Advanced Materials Chemistry
- CHEM791
- CHEM 795 Research Methods in Chemistry
Up to 30 points from:
- 600 or 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
If you are intending to study for a Master of Science in Chemistry you must take
Master of Science (MSc) in Chemistry 120-point (one-year) research masters
Master of Science (MSc) in Chemistry 240-point research masters
15 points from:
At least 75 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 712 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 740 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
- CHEM 750 or CHEM 750A
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 or CHEM 751A
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
- CHEM 780 Advanced Materials Chemistry
Up to 30 points from:
- 600 or 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
120 points:
Prior to applying to the MSc in Chemistry you are required to have completed CHEM 795 Research Methods in Chemistry
Master of Chemistry (MChem) (no specialisation)
15 points from:
30 points from:
- CHEM 712 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- CHEM 740 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
- CHEM 780 Advanced Materials Chemistry
And either:
and 90 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 750 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1 or CHEM 750A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2 or CHEM 751A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
And up to 15 points from:
- 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
and 60 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 750 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1 or CHEM 750A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2 or CHEM 751A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
And up to 15 points from:
- 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
Master of Chemistry (MChem) (Analytical chemistry specialisation)
45 points from:
- CHEM 795 Research Methods in Chemistry - Level 9
- CHEM 740 Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
30 points from:
- FOODSCI 706 Food Safety
- FOODSCI 740 Food Analysis
- FORENSIC 703 Statistics and Molecular Biology for Forensic Science
- FORENSIC 704 Techniques and Applications for Forensic Science
And either:
and 60 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 750 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1 or CHEM 750A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2 or CHEM 751A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
And up to 15 points from:
- 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
and 30 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 750 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1 or CHEM 750A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2 or CHEM 751A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
And up to 15 points from:
700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
Master of Chemistry (MChem) (materials chemistry specialisation)
90 points from:
- CHEM 710 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 712 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- CHEM 780 Advanced Materials Chemistry
- CHEM 795 Research Methods in Chemistry - Level 9
- CHEMMAT 724 Advanced Materials Characterisation
- CHEMMAT 725 Advanced Functional Materials
And either:
and 45 points from:
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
- CHEM 750 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1 or CHEM 750A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2 or CHEM 751A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
And up to 15 points from:
- 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
and 15 points from:
- CHEM 720 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 730 Modern Methods for the Synthesis of Bioactive Molecules
- CHEM 735 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- CHEM 738 Biomolecular Chemistry
- CHEM 741 Chemometrics and Quality Assurance in Chemistry
- CHEM 750 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1 or CHEM 750A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 750B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 1
- CHEM 751 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2 or CHEM 751A Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 751B Advanced Topics in Chemistry 2
- CHEM 760 Advanced Green Chemistry
And up to 15 points from:
- 700 level courses in Chemistry or related subjects:
Biological Sciences, Chemical Materials and Engineering, Physiology, Pharmacology
Explore the postgraduate courses you can take for a Chemistry major:
Where can postgraduate study in Chemistry take you?
Postgraduate study in Chemistry prepares you to work in many industries and fields such as: brewing, ceramics, food science, metals and agricultural, paper, paint and plastics, pharmaceutical, polymers and coatings, and Crown Research Institutes.
Jobs related to Chemistry
- Analytical, inorganic, organic, materials, physical chemist
- Biochemist
- Chemistry technician
- Forensic scientist
- Higher education lecturer
- Management of research and development units
- Materials chemist
- Organic chemist
- Physical chemist
- Research scientist
- Science technician
- Scientific advisor
- Secondary teacher
- Technical assistant
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