Clinical Education
Clinical Education is designed for health professionals involved in delivering medical undergraduate or specialist training programmes.

Subject overview
The Clinical Education specialisation offers health professionals the opportunity to learn skills for improving their teaching and assessment strategies. These can then be applied to their own specialty areas and contexts.
The subject introduces health professionals to the most relevant literature and the ideas underpinning clinical education. Health professionals will explore the latest trends in medical education research and will learn skills that they can apply to their own teaching and research.
Clinical Education will be of particular relevance to doctors involved in delivering medical undergraduate or specialist training programmes, clinical nurse educators, and other health professionals with a role in education.
Where can Clinical Education take you?
You will find this subject valuable if you are a health professional with a role in education, such as clinical nurse educator or specialist trainer – or another role in which you pass on your skills to others.
Assignments are built around your own teaching context, and you will have opportunities to undertake research projects in your area of interest.