Undergraduate study in Early Childhood Education

Graduates from New Zealand’s top university for Education are in high demand at early childhood centres and organisations across the country.

Play a key role in ensuring that the vital years of children’s lives are a time of fun, learning and healthy development. Whether working as a teacher or elsewere in the early childhood sector, you will help young children from birth to eight years with their learning, identity and exploration of the world around them.

What can you study in Early Childhood Education?

Our Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies is a three-year programme. This degree encompasses a broad study of early childhood education and social contexts. We offer a range of hands-on courses covering te ao Māori perspectives, diversity and inclusion, human development, educational psychology, child development and professional communication and practice.

This is an excellent foundation degree. It will prepare you for a career in a range of educational settings and in policy and leadership roles in New Zealand and overseas. If you decide to pursue a teaching career in New Zealand, you can gain registration by adding a one-year Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood Education) or Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary).

Structuring your undergraduate study in Early Childhood Education

Our Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies (BECSt) consists of face-to-face, online and practice-based teaching and learning. To complete a BECSt degree, you must pass courses totaling at least 360 points. At least 330 of these points must be from the listed BECSt schedule and 30 points from courses offered in either the General Education open schedule and/or the General Education faculty schedule approved for this degree. 
General Education courses on offer.

Assessment and Practicum

You’ll be assessed through assignments, examinations and practical work experience in early childhood centres and organisations.

Practical experience, or practicum, is critical to understanding what it’s really like to work in this sector. You will spend a total of 24 weeks over three years in a range of educational settings, allowing you to gain a range of practical experience and form professional connections.

Where can undergraduate study in Early Childhood Education take you?

Our graduates are in high demand throughout the country. Many go on to teach in a range of kindergartens, early childhood centres and teacher-led home-based care agencies in New Zealand and overseas. This degree also equips you with a range of transferable skills that can be applied in many professions.

Other postgraduate programmes include

Scholarships and awards

Each year we award scholarships and prizes to thousands of students. Find out more by visiting Scholarships and awards.

In addition, you will be eligible to apply for TeachNZ scholarships.

Help and advice

For general student enquiries, please contact the Student Hubs.

To discuss your study options with a student adviser, contact us
or make an appointment.

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