Doctoral study in Early Childhood

Why study with us?

  • Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland demonstrates our commitment to academic excellence and research impact in our impressive global results.
  • Ranked 65th the QS World University Rankings, making it New Zealand’s highest ranked university.1
  • Ranked 34th globally in Education in the 2025 Times Higher Education (THE) Subject Rankings.2
  • Home to prestigious Early Childhood-related centres:
  • A team of supervisors who work closely with renowned national and international researchers on transdisciplinary projects.
  • A committed team of early childhood academics edits New Zealand’s only journal for teachers and academics focused on infant and toddler education and care, The First Years Ngā Tau Tuatahi.
  • Postgraduate Research Student Support (PReSS) funding for research expenses.

1QS World University Rankings 2025.
22025 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings by subject.

Research opportunities

Early childhood research in our faculty focuses on advancing knowledge and practices that promote high-quality outcomes for children from birth to six years old. Our projects cover diverse areas, including early childhood education (ECE), childhood studies, child learning and development, teacher identity, inclusive pedagogy, infant-toddler pedagogy, and leadership in early childhood settings. Our researchers explore the challenges facing children, their families and communities in an ever-changing world, addressing issues such as social justice, cultural understanding, and teacher-child well-being.

Our internationally recognised team leads innovative projects that bridge theory and practice, contributing to broader conversations on ECE. Key initiatives include the Early Childhood Seminar Series, a dynamic research platform that connects researchers, teachers, and the wider community to collaborate and engage with leading academics.

Through multi- and trans-disciplinary approaches, our faculty ECE researchers commit to producing transformative research that influences policy and professional practice, supports diverse social and cultural communities, and shapes the future of ECE locally and globally.

When you join us for your doctorate in Early Childhood, you will join a high-calibre research community and develop your network in academia.

Our people

Pursue your topic with us and benefit from exceptional standards of support and supervision from nationally and internationally recognised researchers:

Angel Chan, Maria Cooper, Esther Fitzpatrick, Janet Gaffney, Kiri Gould, Jude MacArthur, Lyn McDonald, Stuart McNaughton, Claire Sinnema, Deborah Widdowson

Past research topics

'Associations between Parent Executive Function, Parental Behaviours and Executive Function Skills in Preschool Children' | Supervised by Dr Louise Keown and Dr Deborah Widdowson

'Children's everyday mathematical experiences (EMEs) in Hong Kong kindergarten settings' | Supervised by Dr Angel Chan, Emeritus Professor Helen Hedges and Dr Deborah Widdowson

'Developing, fostering, and enriching young children's STEM related working theories: Mediating influences and models' | Supervised by Emeritus Professor Helen Hedges, Dr Rena Heap and Dr Gillian Ward

'Examining the In-Between: Contextual Influences on how Young Children Learn Through the Visual Arts' | Supervised by Associate Professor Jill Smith and Dr Esther Fitzpatrick

'Exploring Interprofessional Collaboration in Kindergartens in Hong Kong through the Lens of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory' | Supervised by Emeritus Professor Helen Hedges and Dr Angel Chan

'Exploring multimodal story interactions between toddlers, families, and teachers in a culturally and linguistically diverse community' | Supervised by Professor Janet Gaffney and Emeritus Professor Helen Hedges

'Teachers’ Professional Identity in Chinese ECE' | Supervised by Associate Professor Maria Cooper, Emeritus Professor Helen Hedges and Associate Professor Fiona Ell

'The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Three Kindergartens in Nanjing, China' | Supervised by Associate Professor Cathy Gunn and Dr Angel Chan

'Threads of Identity: A Creative, Critical and Collaborative Autoethnography Stitching Immigrant Teachers' Stories into the Fabric of Early Childhood Education Practice' | Supervised by Professor Toni Bruce and Dr Esther Fitzpatrick

'Whare kōhungahunga Māori, teitei ka eke: “High quality” early learning for tamariki-mokopuna Māori' | Supervised by Dr Sandy Farquhar and Professor Melinda Webber

Scholarships and awards

There are several scholarships you may be eligible for when you decide to pursue your doctoral studies in Early Childhood.

Apply for doctoral study