Doctoral study in Languages and Literacies

Why study with us?

  • University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau, continues to demonstrate its commitment to academic excellence and research impact in its impressive global results.
  • Ranked 68th the QS World University Rankings, making it New Zealand’s highest ranked university.1
  • Ranked 34th globally in Education in the 2025 Times Higher Education (THE) Subject Rankings.2
  • Home to two prestigious languages and literacies-related research centres: Te Puna Reo Pohewa | Marie Clay Research Centre and Te Pūtahi Woolf Fisher Research Centre and a host of internationally regarded scholars.
  • Postgraduate Research Student Support (PReSS) funding for research expenses.

12024 QS World University Rankings.
22025 Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings by subject.

Research opportunities

Languages and literacies enable people to walk in different worlds, build relationships, access the thoughts and perspectives of others, and make linguistic and cultural connections. Our research about languages and literacies in and out of schools encompasses a wide range of contexts (early childhood centres, schools, agencies and communities) and all developmental stages and learning areas with children and youth, their families and teachers.

Our research and teaching activities are closely intertwined. Our work is informed by our special place in Aotearoa New Zealand, particularly our places in Tāmaki-Makaurau Auckland and Tai Tokerau Northland. Our context is that of a bicultural country with a special relationship with our close Pacific neighbours. Over a third of the students in our region are Māori or Pacific and Tāmaki-Makaurau Auckland is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse cities in the world.

Our group addresses language acquisition and literacies learning and development, pedagogies, policies and systems. We represent several disciplines including learning sciences, linguistics, applied linguistics, TESOL, and literary and curriculum studies. We employ multiple theoretical perspectives and methodologies in our research, including research-practice partnerships, the modus operandi of several prominent literacy interventions. We also have two research centres: Te Puna Reo Pohewa | Marie Clay Research Centre and Te Pūtahi Woolf Fisher Research Centre.

When you join us for your doctorate in Languages and Literacies, you will join a high-calibre research community and develop your network in academia.

Our people

Past research topics

'Children’s everyday storying: A post-intentional phenomenological study in inclusive early childhood education' | Supervised by Professor Janet S Gaffney and Jacoba Matapo

'Effects of Task Complexity and Individual Differences on EFL Writing Performance' | Supervised by Professor Lawrence Zhang and Dr Barbara Ormond

'Exploring multimodal story interactions between toddlers, families, and teachers in a culturally and linguistically diverse community', | Supervised by Professor Janet S Gaffney and Professor Helen Hedges

'Exploring the Interplay Between Teacher Self-Efficacy Perceptions and Reported Content-Based Instructional Strategies', | Supervised by Professor Judy Parr and Dr Christine Biebricher

'Identities, emotions, and investments in language biographies of heritage speakers of German in New Zealand: Keeping Connections' | Supervised by Associate Professor Rosemary Erlam and Dr Diana Feick

'Investigating Chinese as a Foreign Language Learners’ Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence in the New Zealand Secondary School Context' | Supervised by Dr Constanza Tolosa and Dr Christine Biebricher

'Learning Advisor and Lecturer Collaborations to Embed Discipline-Specific Literacies Development in Degree Programmes' | Supervised by Professor Judy Parr and Associate Professor Aaron Wilson

'Talanoa as a framework to develop more effective dialogic pedagogy with Pasifika students' | Supervised by Professor Rebecca Jesson and Professor Stuart McNaughton

'The Unheard Voices of Children: A Study of Young Children's Revision' | Supervised by Professor Janet S Gaffney and Professor Rebecca Jesson

'Using Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment to Understand and Improve the DELNA Listening Assessment Task' | Supervised by Associate Professor Rosemary Erlam and Associate Professor Peter Keegan

'What is critical in the effective teaching of writing? A study of the classroom practice of some Year 5 to 8 teachers in the New Zealand context' | Supervised by Professor Judy Parr, Professor Stuart McNaughton and Associate Professor Kane Meissel

'Young Vietnamese children’s identities-in-flux in Vietnam and Aotearoa New Zealand: A focus on their living stories' | Supervised by Professor Janet S Gaffney and Marek Tesar

Scholarships and awards

There are several scholarships you may be eligible for when you decide to pursue your doctoral studies in Languages and Literacies.

Apply for doctoral study