Geographic Information Science
Study the data structures and techniques that are used to capture, process and visualise geographic information.

Subject overview
If you’ve ever dropped a pin into Google maps, or found the shortest route using the public transport network, then you’ve engaged with Geographic Information Science (GIScience). New in 2019, this subject is the study of the data structures and techniques used to capture, process and visualise geographic information.
It is estimated that 80% of data collected has some spatial component, whether it’s a city name, a street address or even a precise set of co-ordinates. We’ll teach you how to use data collected by satellites and drones, government-sourced data, and social media platforms to examine a wide range of social and natural processes.
Where can Geographic Information Science take you?
Graduates of Geographic Information Science will be well equipped to enter the workforce or pursue postgraduate study. They’ll have sound theoretical knowledge and be able to demonstrate independent technical abilities across the social, ecological and physical domains of GIScience application.
Meet a student

I have been able to understand and investigate the world’s complex natural and social processes, the problems we face into the future, and most importantly how we can be the solution.
Read Taryn's full story here.