Mathematics concerns the study of numbers, equations, functions, and geometric shapes and their relationships.

Subject overview
Mathematics has many faces. It can be challenging, powerful, fascinating, even mysterious – but above all it is useful. Mathematics makes essential contributions to the biological, information and physical sciences, economics, engineering and finance, but can also be applied to communications, linguistics and genetics.
Wherever problems need to be solved, mathematics has a role to play. For this reason, Mathematics is an excellent major in its own right, or as a second major or supporting subject for many other disciplines.
Where can Mathematics take you?
Mathematics develops advanced problem-solving skills and opens up career opportunities in industry or government, teaching, computer development and programming, systems analysis, operations research and many other fields.
Meet a student

Overcoming the fear of asking questions is the first step to discovering how to fly. Overcome that fear and you will find out how strong you really are, and how far you can go!
Read Halaevalu's full story here.