Postgraduate study in Mechanical Engineering

What can you study in Mechanical Engineering?

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has enjoyed a long history of research excellence. Embarking on postgraduate study with us gives you the opportunity to tackle projects with real-life relevance within theoretical frameworks that remain applicable for the future. Major topics include:

  • Acoustics: We offer access to a world-class laboratory, which attracts interdisciplinary work from across University and includes three reverberation rooms, an anechoic chamber and a listening room. We study building acoustics, aeroacoustics, vibroacoustics, sound field synthesis, and more.

  • Advanced composite materials: Alongside the internationally-recognised Centre for Advanced Composite Materials, we engage with the design, manufacture, characterisation and modelling of composite materials for a variety of real-world applications.

  • Computational fluid dynamics and visualisation: We develop algorithms to map three-dimensional flows for applications such as modelling arteries and entropy production.

  • Dynamics and control: This field encompasses a wide range of areas, from Artificial Intelligence to vehicle vibration control.

  • Energy and Fuels: We develop energy efficient systems in appliances and heating systems to minimise environmental impact.

  • Manufacturing systems: We conduct fundamental and application-oriented research relevant to this essential industry, with emphasis on Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, intelligent systems, STEP-NC, technological management, and more.

  • Wind engineering: Our involvement in this field has been prominent since the 1970s, and focused not just on environmental effects, but also design and aerodynamics in relation to human movements. We also boast purpose-built facilities, including the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel, the largest facility in its class in New Zealand.

  • Yacht research: This field capitalises on our successful involvement in the America’s Cup, which began in 1995 and is still evident today.

Entry requirements

Important requirements for international students

  • All international applicants should ensure that they meet all the programme’s entry requirements. You should only proceed with your application if your GPA matches or exceeds the requirements for your country listed in the engineering programme of your choice. Please do not apply if your GPA is below the minimum entry requirements, but consider the alternative study options that may be offered as a pathway into your preferred programme.

  • You are strongly advised to consider visa application times. Please be aware of the student visa processing times in your home country and submit the documentation needed well ahead of the Faculty of Engineering and Design's programme application deadlines. For processing times, contact the New Zealand High Commission/Embassy or your education agent.

  • If you are applying for your second masters degree, you need to be aware that additional assessment requirements will take extra time. The Faculty of Engineering and Design must assess your previous masters degree courses to ensure that they do not overlap with the courses in the University of Auckland programme that you have expressed interest in. You must therefore allow more time for your application to be processed, and be aware that further documentation may be required. Submit your application well in advance of the deadline if this is your situation, as you may also need to take visa application times into account.

Structuring your postgraduate programme in Mechanical Engineering

“My Programme Requirements” is a feature in Student Services Online that tells you what the academic requirements are for your programme.

It shows you what courses you are enrolled in, what courses you have passed and what courses you can take to complete your degree. For more information, see How to view your programme requirements.

Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering

This is a flexible programme that can be structured around your engineering interests. Find out more.

Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering

This is a 120-point fully taught programme. You will need to complete a minimum of 90-points of courses in Mechanical Engineering from the electives listed under the Master of Engineering Studies below (excludes research projects). The remaining 30-points can also be selected from this list, or you may choose up to 30-points of other appropriate courses, as approved by the Programme Director. Find out more.

Master of Engineering Studies

The Master of Engineering Studies in Mechanical Engineering is available in 120-points and 180-points taught options. You also have the option of undertaking a 30-point Research Project and will be eligible for the award of Honours and may be able to progress to the PhD.

Select at least 45 points from the following:

Semester One:

  • MECHENG 719 Advanced Engineering Vibration (15 points)

Semester Two:

  • MECHENG 711 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (15 points)
  • MECHENG 728 Advanced MEMS and Microsystems (15 points)
  • MECHENG 753 Advanced Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing (15 points)

Available for Semester One and Two:

  • MECHENG 788 A/B Research Project (30 points)

For the 120-point programme you can select up to 75 points from the following courses. For the 180-point programme you can select up to 135 points:

Semester One:

  • AEROSPACE 720 Space Dynamics and Missions (15 points)
  • AEROSPACE 730 Aerospace Systems Design (15 points)
  • ENGGEN 769 Research Methods for Engineers Online (15 points)
  • ENGGEN 770 Medical Device and Technology Development
  • MECHENG 712 Aerohydrodynamics (15 points)
  • MECHENG 722 Engineering Vibrations (15 points)
  • MECHENG 743 Composite Materials (15 points)

Semester Two:

  • AEROSPACE 740 Aerospace Structures & Mechanisms (15 points)
  • ENGGEN 705 Engineering Product Development (15 points)
  • ENGGEN 769 Research Methods for Engineers (15 points)
  • MECHENG 715 Building Services (15 points)
  • MECHENG 718 Computational Fluid Dynamics (15 points)
  • MECHENG 724 Multivariable Control Systems (15 points)
  • MECHENG 726 Acoustics for Engineers (15 points)
  • MECHENG 735 MEMS and Microsystems (15 points)
  • MECHENG 736 Biomechatronic Systems (15 points)
  • MECHENG 747 Manufacturing and Industrial Processes (15 points)
  • MECHENG 754 Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing (15 points)
  • MECHENG 755 Design for Additive Manufacturing (15 points)

Note: Students in the 120-point programme may select up to 30 points of other relevant courses from this university; subject to approval from the Course Director and Programme Director.

Students in the 180-point programme may select up to 45 points of other relevant courses from this university; subject to approval from the Course Director and Programme Director.

Not offered in 2025:

  • MECHENG 713 Energy Technology (15 points)
  • MECHENG 714 Wind Engineering (15 points)
  • MECHENG 717 Advanced Thermal Systems (15 points)
  • MECHENG 720 Advanced Multivariable Control Systems (15 points)
  • MECHENG 742 Advanced Materials Manufacturing (15 points)
  • MECHENG 751 Advanced CAD/CAM/CNC (15 points)
  • MECHENG 752 Technology Management (15 points)

Master of Engineering

This degree aims to provide a research-focused learning environment in which you can develop your independent problem-solving skills through supervised research. The programme is offered in two options to suit the existing qualifications and experience of candidates. This degree may be awarded with Honours and you may be able to progress to the PhD.

120-point option

  • MECHENG 796A/B Research Thesis (120 points)

180-point option

  • MECHENG 796A/B Research Thesis (120 points)

For the 180-point research degree you will also select 60-points elective courses; excluding research project (see above).

Help and advice

For general student enquiries, please contact the Student Hubs.
If you would like further academic information, you can contact a Postgraduate Adviser.