Postgraduate study in Palliative Care

Where can you study Palliative Care?

You can study palliative care in Postgraduate Certificate in Health Sciences or Diploma in Health Sciences in Palliative Care or a Master of Nursing.

Areas of study include:

  • Assessment and management of symptoms
  • Child and adolescent palliative care
  • Cultural issues in end-of-life care
  • Ethics in end-of-life decision-making
  • Holistic management of care philosophy
  • Societal attitudes to death and dying
  • Spirituality, loss, grief and bereavement and many more topics particular to palliative care

The courses also recognise ‘self-care’ as important for the team caring for people with life-challenging illness.

You will gain an advanced theoretical understanding and practical skills that could make you a role model and leader in this field. The skills you learn in postgraduate study in palliative care give you the foundation to further study at masters or PhD level. There are many job opportunities with increasing demands for specialists.

Courses in this subject are offered in both distance and flexible-learning formats.
