Screen Production
Screen Production provides an intensive, film-school-style experience for future writers, directors and producers of drama and documentary films.

Subject overview
Screen Production provides practical experience of film and media making, embedded within a liberal arts programme that explores the history, aesthetics and technologies of film and media.
You will be encouraged to develop traditional and innovative skills for creating cinematic narratives, as well as gaining technical expertise from staff with strong links to the industry.
Screen and Production is not offered as a BA major, but you can take courses at undergraduate level or enrol in the postgraduate programme.
Where can Screen Production take you?
Films produced by our students have screened at major international film festivals, including Venice, London and New York, and been included in the New Zealand International Film Festival.
We are proud of our close relationship with industry, as evidenced by our Industry Board of Advisors and the number of graduates who have successfully secured work in the industry.
Screen Production guest speakers
James Cameron on the Art and Craft of Storytelling
Director James Cameron met with Associate Professor Schuchi Kothari to discuss storytelling on screen.