Statistics is the collection, analysis, presentation and organisation of data, allowing us to make predictions for the future based on previously gathered data.

Subject overview
We live in an information age. Computers allow us to collect and store information in quantities that previously would not even have been dreamt of. However, raw, undigested data stored on computers is useless until people can start to make sense of it.
Statistics is the human side of the computer revolution, an information science, the art and science of extracting meaning from seemingly incomprehensible data. Statistics applies to almost any field; this is why some training in statistics can help make you more effective and more employable, regardless of the career direction you choose.
Investigation: asking questions, designing ways to collect data to answer those questions, collecting data, making sense of what the data say to produce sensible answers – this is the subject matter of statistics and a set of general life skills.
The Department of Statistics is the birthplace of the R Project. Founded in 1996 by Associate Professors Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka, R is a free programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is taught around the world and is used by Ivy League universities, Google, Uber, and many more. Learn more about the R Project.
Where can Statistics take you?
Statistics is the ideal partner course for people who want to enhance their quantitative capabilities while pursuing their career choice subject. Some training in statistics can help make you more effective in almost any career.
Meet a graduate

I greatly appreciated the fantastic lecturers and staff within the Statistics department. There were plenty of places to ask for answers to any questions that I had during my studies, like chats with lecturers, or the Statistics help room, so I always felt supported in my learning.
Read Miguel's full story here.