Postgraduate study in Theology

The MTheol programme is currently suspended.  THEOREL staff are able to
supervise Masters research students in programmes in related disciplines.

For more information, please contact the postgraduate advisor:

Research opportunities

You will be supervised by our researchers and have access to a range of resources to assist you in your academic and professional development. We can also provide supervision in collaboration with other disciplines.

If you are interested in PhD research, we encourage you to contact a potential supervisor. We welcome proposals in all areas of Theological and Religious Studies, including:

  • History of Christianity
  • Theology and Religion in New Zealand and the Pacific
  • Sectarianism, Pluralism and Tolerance
  • Contextual and Liberation Theologies
  • Religion and the Environment
  • Asian Religions in Diaspora
  • Sociology of Religious Minorities
  • Queer and Feminist Theologies
  • Religion and Public Life

Our people

Dr Nick Thompson

  • The Reformation Era
  • Early Modern and Modern Christianity
  • Critical edition and translation of Early Modern texts
  • Sectarianism, pluralism and tolerance in the history of Christianity
  • Religion, society and culture in New Zealand

Associate Professor Michael Mawson

  • Christian theology
  • Religion and decolonisation
  • Eco-theology and the Climate Crisis
  • Theology and trauma
  • Ethics and Public Theology

Professor Mark R. Mullins

  • Sociology of religion
  • Religion in modern Japanese society
  • Indigenous Christian movements
  • Religion and nationalism
  • Asian religions in diaspora

Past research topics

  • "The Aesthetics of Good & Evil: Christian art’s application of moral attributes to black and white skin” Supervised by Nick Thompson and Caroline Blyth
  • "Jesus Christ son of women: five women from the margins, queering the genealogy of Jesus Christ ; Matthew 1:1-18” Supervised by Caroline Blyth
  • "The Ambitious Philanthropist: Catherine McAuley and Her Influence in Nineteenth-Century Ireland” Supervised by Nick Thompson
  • "Civilisation as Rebellion: Fallen Angels, Giants, and the Critique of Techne in the Writings of Early Christian Converts” Supervised by Lisa Bailey and Nick Thompson

Structuring your specialisation in Theology

Master of Theology

The MTheol consists of a 120-point thesis in the study of theology or religion.

2024 MA schedule for Theology

Scholarships and awards

  • Major postgraduate scholarships
  • Scholarships and awards in Theological and Religious Studies

Help and advice

Our friendly staff will provide you with advice on planning your degree and enrolling in your courses at Student Hubs.

If you would like to find out more about studying Theology, you can contact a Postgraduate Adviser.