Undergraduate study in Theological and Religious Studies

What you can study in Theological and Religious Studies

Theologicial and Religious Studies covers topics as broad as religion and justice, gender roles, terrorism, art, architecture, communities and more.

It can teach you how to analyse the complicated impact that religion has had on everyday life within both contemporary and historic contexts. You'll also have opportunities to discuss these important issues in an informed way.

Undergraduate study may include courses on Islam and the contemporary world, the Bible and popular culture, religion and violence, and religion in New Zealand.

Structuring your major in Theological and Religious Studies

You can take a major in Theological and Religious Studies as one of the two components of your double major for a BA. You will need to pass at least 120 points (eight courses) towards each of your majors, including at least 45 points (three courses) at Stage III.

If you first enrolled in a BA prior to 2018

For a single major, you must pass at least 135 points, including at least 60 points above Stage II.

For a double major, you must pass at least 120 points in each of two majors, including at least 45 points above Stage II in each major.


Explore the undergraduate courses you can take as part of a major in Theological and Religious Studies. You would normally take Stage I courses in your first year, Stage II in your second and Stage III in your third.

Required courses

You must pass the following courses as part of the Theological and Religious Studies major:

  • One course from THEOREL 101, 102, 106
  • One course from THEOREL 200–223
  • One course from THEOREL 300–323

Scholarships and awards

  • Major undergraduate scholarships
  • Scholarships and awards in Theological and Religious Studies

Help and advice

Our friendly staff will provide you with advice on planning your degree and enrolling in your courses at Student Hubs.

If you would like to find out more about studying Theological and Religious Studies, you can contact our Undergraduate Adviser.