Alyssa Houma
Alyssa wants to develop a strong understanding of global politics and how it affects our lives.

Key facts
Iwi: Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Maniapoto
Programme: Bachelor of Global Studies / Bachelor of Health Sciences *
Majors: Global Politics and Human Rights / Population Health
*This conjoint option is no longer available.
“I decided to study a Bachelor of Global Studies, because there is no other degree like it. Through studying a selected major, language and area study, this degree truly shapes you to be a competent and informed global citizen.
“I selected the Global Politics and Human Rights major, because I wanted to develop a strong understanding of global politics and how it affects our day to day lives.
“I love the wide variety of subjects which are on offer. I have chosen subjects which are both of interest to me and lead me toward my future career.
Māori and Tongan courses I have taken have allowed me to reconnect with my Māori and Tongan ancestry, which has helped me to learn more about myself, culture, and family.
“Student life at the University of Auckland is fast paced. There are people everywhere and there is always something going on. What I love most about student life in Auckland is the diversity. Auckland is a melting pot, which has allowed me to meet several people from different walks of life, from all over the country and world.
“I am a part of the University of Auckland Lacrosse Club. I was drawn to the club since I had played lacrosse all throughout high school. Playing lacrosse in the University is a way that I like to stay active and meet new people.
“Being a student in the Faculty of Arts and Education is great. You get the opportunity to meet so many people who share the same interests and passions despite differences in majors. There is an immense academic and pastoral support offered to students which is very comforting, especially when you are an overwhelmed first year student!
“Once I graduate, I hope to work somewhere in Māori and Pacific Health. I want to play a role in eradicating health disparities and inequities which my people have faced for decades. Eventually I hope to start a foundation or NGO where I can take Pacific Island doctors to treat patients in the islands. If this is successful, I would love to run a similar project in Asia or in third world countries. With a conjoint Bachelor of Global Studies and Health Sciences, my opportunities are endless.
“Study what that you are passionate about! Don’t go into a certain field just because it’s where the money is and don’t study something because your friends or parents want you to. At the end of the day, it’s your degree and your career. You’re going to be putting in the effort, the late nights and paying the student loan, so make sure that it is something that you love!”