Milly Jantke
Milly loves the variety of courses in the Global Studies programme.

Key facts
Programme: Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Global Studies
Majors: Global Politics and Human Rights
“Global Studies captivated me from day one – the name of the degree says it all! Human rights and politics on a global scale has always been of absolute interest to me.
“I choose the Human Rights and Global Politics major with the end goal of being able to evaluate the strategies of organisations on an international scale. This major is absolutely amazing as it explores leadership within foreign affairs and examines international media in depth.
“All my courses are very interesting and so informative, I really love the variety. They are all so relevant to everyday life as they explore current affairs and global policies within the world. I also feel like I am developing a more analytic way of observing the world I live in.
The student lifestyle at the University of Auckland is very vibrant. There are hundreds of clubs you can get involved in and the campus is humming with high-spirited people just so happy to be there. It's such a nice place to be, I always look forward to going into uni.
“I am involved with Red Cross at the University. I have volunteered with Red Cross since high school and love playing my part in aiding people.
“I am also part of the NZCTA Young Associates network. NZCTA is a very interesting organization, which helps students take part in New Zealand-China relations. They hold regular meetings and seminars with well-known politicians. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to learn more about China-New Zealand relations, as well as make new friends.
“With a Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Global Studies Conjoint, I’d like to work in international relations. I want to make use of my Chinese language skills, as well as meet lots of new people and experience new cultures."