Aleesha Nathan

Ngāpuhi; Kolofo’ou (Tonga)
Alesha is a graduate of Hikitia Te Ora – Certificate in Health Sciences (CertHSc) and the Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc). She is currently studying for a Master of Health Leadership.


Alesha Nathan

The things I have learnt throughout my experience at UoA have changed me as a person.

Continuous growth
“My perspective has developed so much since being here and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to continuously grow, not only academically as a student but also as a person in general.
“Vision 20:20 has created an environment where I feel safe and comfortable. It also offers tutorials, study spaces and other activities outside of mainstream services that have really supported me academically and culturally.
“I grew up in a predominantly white area, so to be given the opportunity to be surrounded by people who look like me and who share similar values is something I am very thankful for. The support I have received from MAPAS, Hikitia Te Ora and Whakapiki Ake staff and peers throughout my time has contributed to me still being here and pursuing a career in health”.
My study focus
“I really like the fact that I am able to specialise in a particular area that I am interested in, clinical quality and safety. I think this gives me the opportunity to be more intentional with my learning, where I can focus on aspects of health that I am interested in and where I hope to be of impact after completing my studies.
“The relationships that I have built throughout my time at UoA have kept me going when times got rough. I think it is important to surround yourself with people who will help you develop both as a person and as a student.”