Julie Winter-Smith

Julie completed a Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours), investigating the perceptions of Māori stroke survivors and their whanau on the use of a robotic aid to assist rehabilitation. She is extending her research into a PhD, focusing on the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease among Pacific people living in New Zealand.

Julie Winter-Smith

As a Pacific student, the University’s Māori and Pacific Admission Scheme (MAPAS) provides me with valuable academic and pastoral support that is second to none.

Cardiovascular disease
“Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of preventable death both in New Zealand and globally, and Pacific people in particular experience a disproportionately higher burden compared to the general population.
“There is a lack of Pacific health researchers, and a greater lack of Pacific epidemiologists in New Zealand. I decided to pursue postgraduate study to help change this and do my part to improve the health experiences and outcomes of Pacific people in New Zealand.
Studying at Auckland
“The reputation of the University of Auckland was one of the reasons that I decided to study here. The calibre of the academic staff and the teaching environment is very high, and there are many internationally-recognised academics in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.
“My postgrad study helped me to determine what fuels my passion, and where I want to situate myself in the health workforce. I liked that classes were a lot smaller and you could build networks and relationships with peers, staff members and academics who become colleagues when you complete your studies.”