Laura Pedofsky

Laura is in the final year of a PhD in Bioengineering. She is researching the design and development of an intravaginal medical device (femfit®) for women’s pelvic floor muscle health.

Laura Pedofsky

The opportunities here are vast, particularly at the Bioengineering Institute. It really is the best place in New Zealand to cut your teeth in the bioengineering space.

Women in engineering
“When I heard about this project it was a no-brainer. Women in engineering, as well as women’s health research, are both typically underrepresented for a number of reasons. We need more women in this space to advance research for women.
Making a difference
“As a female engineer who is researching women’s health, I can be part of the change to make a difference and get better health outcomes for women.
“When you realise you can make such a difference to someone’s life, it really propels you to do better and keep persisting on the long pathway for medical device approval and commercialisation. That is the long term goal: to get our technology (femfit®) to women in the community.”