Anna is a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws graduate. She is now employed as a crown prosecutor.
An unparalleled opportunity
“Initially, I wanted to do something with international, humanitarian or refugee law. Then I saw an ad at Law School and ended up clerking at the Court of Appeal for two years. This was an unparalleled opportunity to dabble in all types of law and to work with very senior Judges and bright minds from across New Zealand.
“It was a wonderful learning experience, and it helped that I’d chosen courses that sounded interesting and that I loved – Law of the Sea, Refugee Law, International Humanitarian Law, Media Law, Youth Justice, lots of quite random papers. I think studying broadly helped me to meet the challenges of the wide variety of issues you get in the court environment.”
Excellent lecturers
“I’d had some excellent lecturers at Law school. They all made their subjects as accessible and interesting as possible. I learned a lot about the court system’s wider concern not just for law but justice.”
They all made their subjects as accessible and interesting as possible. I learned a lot about the court system’s wider concern not just for law but justice.

“While there, I started taking a real interest in criminal law – and there was a new Crown firm setting up in South Auckland. I went for an interview at Kayes Fletcher Walker, and never looked back!”
Rewarding professional life
“The job is incredible – criminal law is intensely personal, it’s all about human interaction and the immensely sad things that sometimes happen when it goes wrong. The judicial process aims (sometimes in vain) to determine the truth in all its messiness.”