
Academic integrity

All students proposing to enter the University for the first time in Summer School must take the online academic integrity course.

Postgraduate and General Education courses

We have separate course listing pages for postgraduate and General Education courses.

View postgraduate courses available in Summer School 2025.

View General Education courses available in Summer School 2025.

Talk to us

Please note that our Summer School course lists are structured according to faculties not degree programmes. Another faculty may be offering courses that could be credited to your degree. To make sure that you don't miss opportunities, we recommend that you talk to an adviser at a Student Hub. Student advisers can also help to set you up for future years by ensuring that you enrol in pre-requisite courses at the right times.

Alternatively, you could phone AskAuckland Central on 0800 61 62 63

Undergraduate Engineering courses in Summer School 2025

These Summer School courses are generally not available to school leavers. However, if you are starting a conjoint degree, or have already completed a University-level maths course, then you may be able to enrol in one of these courses under the Engineering Summer Start programme.

CHEMMAT 121 Materials Science***

CIVIL 202 Fluid Mechanics and Pipe Flow*

CIVIL 299 Workshop Practice

ELECTENG 101 Electrical and Digital Systems***

ENGGEN 121 Engineering Mechanics***

ENGGEN 131 Introduction to Engineering Computation and Software Development***

ENGSCI 111 Mathematical Modelling 1***

ENGSCI 211 Mathematical Modelling 2**

STRCTENG 200 Introductory Structural Mechanics*

STRCTENG 299 Workshop Practice

Only available to students who have previously failed this course, or who started Part II Civil Engineering prior to 2021.

** Only available to conjoint students, to students who have previously failed this course, or to students who have gained permission from the specialisation course advisor. 

*** These Part I courses are only available to students already active and enrolled in the BE(Hons); they are not available to new students. As noted above, the only exceptions are ENGSCI 111 and ENGGEN 131 which are available for a limited number of Summer Start students.


All University of Auckland courses are listed in the Course Catalogue.