Overview of conjoint programmes
Conjoint programmes let you pursue two undergraduate bachelors degrees at the same time.
We offer more than 30 conjoint combinations, ranging from Commerce and Music to Science and Arts.

The benefits of a conjoint programme
- Study in one area will often enrich that in another.
- Employers are attracted to the maturity and versatility of graduates with a breadth of skills and knowledge across two disciplines.
- Most combinations can be completed within 4-5 years, rather than 5-8 years to complete a double degree.
You may be able to begin a conjoint in your first or second year of study. Most can be completed within 5 years, depending on the combination you choose.
Courses and points
A conjoint often only requires just one extra course to be taken each year, compared to a normal full-time load. Some elective courses aren’t required, so you need fewer points per degree, giving you a shorter timeframe.
A bachelors is normally eight courses per year. A conjoint is normally nine courses per year. A 3-year bachelors degree consists of 24 courses (360 points). A BA/BSc conjoint, for example, consists of 36 courses (540 points). That’s 17 courses (255 points) on each side of the conjoint plus one Waipapa Taumata Rau course and one elective course. The number of points required to complete the conjoint programme depends on the particular conjoint combination.
Majors and double majors
You need to complete a major on each side of the conjoint. You may be able to double major on each side, depending on the conjoint combination and the majors you intend to take.
Conjoint vs double degree
A conjoint degree is when you study for two bachelors degrees at the same time. However, you don’t have to take some courses from one or both of the full degree schedules. This makes the conjoint shorter than the double degree.
A double degree is when you study for two full bachelor degrees at the same time. A three-year bachelors consists of 360 points, which equates to 24 courses. A double degree with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science would take 5 years in total. You complete 48 courses (720 points).
Cost of a conjoint
We charge students per course. A conjoint will be more expensive than a bachelors, but not twice the price because you’re not doing double the number of courses. For more information, see Fees and money matters.
Conjoint choices
Not all programmes or majors can be conjoint. Programmes with a strong practical component or high proportion of compulsory courses are less suited to a conjoint.
Admission and entry requirements
You can apply for a conjoint programme when you make your initial application to the University. Some combinations allow you to apply in subsequent years if you later decide you’d like to gain a second degree.
Rank scores
The rank score for admission into conjoint programmes is higher than that for single bachelor programmes:
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3
University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) (taken in New Zealand)
Before you apply
It is important to refer to the University's regulations as conjoint degree programmes have unique requirements.
- For more information, please visit General Regulations - Conjoint Degrees.
- You are also able to consult with each of the faculties that provide the degrees you are considering studying. Contact details can be found in the relevant faculty Prospectus.
Conjoint degree programmes have a GPA requirement that must be maintained to continue your programme. You must achieve a Grade Point Average of at least 3.5 each year, except for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) conjoint degrees which require a GPA of 4.0 each year.
If you do not meet the above criteria, you will be discontinued in your conjoint. However, you can reapply for your conjoint after meeting certain conditions. For more information, please visit the continuation section of the General Regulations - Conjoint Degrees.
More information
Student Hub, City Campus
Te Herenga Mātauranga Whānui | General Library
Building 109, 5 Alfred Street, Auckland
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-8pm Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm
Student Hub, Grafton Campus
Te Herenga Hauora | Philson Library
Building 503, Level 1 (entry via the Atrium, Building 505), 85 Park Rd, Grafton
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-8pm Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm
Student Hub, Te Papa Ako o Tai Tonga
6 Osterley Way, Manukau
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-8pm Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm
Student Hub, Te Papa Ako o Tai Tokerau
L Block, 13 Alexander Street, Whangarei
Hours Monday to Friday 8am-4.30pm Saturday 10am-4pm Sunday closed.
If you need more detailed information, we'll put you in touch with a Student Adviser.