Guide to choosing school subjects

Whether you are in Year 10 or Year 13, selecting your school subjects is an important step towards your future tertiary study. The main thing to remember is to keep your options open!

Our top tips

Think about what you might like to study

We offer more than 30 undergraduate programmes from certificate to bachelor level in over 125 different subjects. 

Check out the entry requirements. 

The University has entry requirements, and some subjects may have additional requirements beyond University Entrance. 

Subject selection

Recommended subjects are those that are useful for degree preparation and may contribute to gaining entry. Required subjects are those that are needed to gain entry to a degree. 

External assessment 

We strongly suggest you engage in external assessment at high school as this is a component of University study that you can prepare for by building your study skills.

Approved subjects for University Entrance 

For young people taking NCEA, not all subjects on offer to you at high school are approved towards achieving your University Entrance. Check out a list from the New Zealand Qualification Authority. 

Unsure what you want to study?

If you are unsure what you’d like to study at university then you should follow the interests you had at school. It’s a good idea to try and keep your options open.

If you are really stuck, it may help to maintain English, Maths and at least one Science subject in order to keep your options open.

We are happy to discuss your specific situation further so please get in touch with a member of  Schools & Community Engagement at

Help and advice

If you would like further help, speak with someone in your school, such as your Careers Adviser, Subject Teacher, HOD, Academic Adviser or Dean.

You can also speak to a member of Schools & Community Engagement at

For more information

Contact us

Phone: 0800 61 62 63