Our funding
Learn more about how the Auckland Bioengineering Institute is funded.
Our philosophy is to keep an approximately even balance between Government funding for graduate training, public good research funding (including philanthropy), and contract funding from existing medtech industry and our spinout companies.
The Auckland Bioengineering Institute is supported by external research grants. These are primarily from:
- Ministry of Business (MBIE)
- Health Research Council of New Zealand (HRCNZ)
- The Marsden Fund
- Medical Technologies Centre of Research Excellence (MedTech CoRE) supported by TEC
- Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ)
Institute members also hold international grants, in particular from the:
Commercial funding and research contracts
Finally, the institute has a significant stream of commercial funding from research contracts, consulting and sales of instrumentation and software licences. These activities are managed by the University’s commercial arm, Auckland UniServices Ltd.
Philanthropic support
We appreciate the significant funding support we receive from a number of charitable trusts and private benefactors. Typically these fund specific research projects and the funding is spread over several years.
We acknowledge the support received in recent years from:
- The Hugo Charitable Trust
For a research cluster in the area of Implantable Devices which supports the Hugo Charitable Trust Fellow and two PhD students. - The Nurture Foundation for Reproductive Research
- The Neurological Foundation of New Zealand
- The National Heart Foundation of New Zealand
- Cancer Society of New Zealand
- Cancer Society Auckland
- Breast Cancer Foundation NZ
- Auckland Medical Research Foundation
- The Wishbone Trust
- The Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust
- The Woolf Fisher Trust
- NZ Lottery Grants Board
- International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disease
- NZ Society for Gastroenterology
- International Continence Society
- Dairy NZ
- The Digital Human project Li Ka-Shing Foundation
- Aotearoa Foundation
Fellowships for the Physiome Project and the Musculoskeletal Research - The Friedlander Foundation
- CureKids
- The Dines Family Charitable Trust