New approaches to measurement of the cornea using smartphones

Eligible for funding* | PhD

Accessible low cost measurement devices, that can be used in the places where people live, are a means to address the health needs of those who often experience barriers to standard eye care services. Hand-held corneal topographers, and specifically, smart-phone based corneal topography is a recent emerging technology that offers the potential to enable in-community screening for potentially sight threatening conditions such as keratoconus, and other important conditions of the anterior eye.

Although smart-phone based corneal assessment is a rapidly developing area of research, the potential of the method has not been fully realized.

In this highly translation focused project we aim to study, develop and then validate a smart-phone based corneal topographer. This project will involve the construction of a suitable attachment, the application of image processing methods, and validation of the system using a combination of simulation and laboratory-based experiments. We expect to focus on both novel estimation techniques, as well as potential novel applications of this technology by drawing on the expertise of our clinical collaborators.

Desired skills

  • Image processing
  • Hardware development
  • Clinical

Contact and supervisors

For more information or to apply for this project, please follow the link to the supervisor below:

Contact/Main supervisor

Supporting supervisor(s)

  • Poul Nielsen
  • Stuti Misra
  • Joanna Black

Eligible for funding*

This project is eligible for funding but is subject to eligibility criteria & funding availability.

Page expires: 4 May 2025