Equity and mature age staff
We are committed to providing a high-quality work environment with information and resources that recognise and respond to the needs of our mature-age workforce.
The growth in the number of older New Zealanders provides significant benefits and opportunities for New Zealand. People are living longer and healthier lives, so they’re working longer. However, they may have different needs than they did in their earlier working years.
In 2015, 42% of academic staff and 32% of professional staff at our University were 51 years of age and over.
Within our academic staff, 44% of men were over 50 years old, compared to 41% of women. 14.8% of women and 20.9% of men were 61 years and over.
There is less gender differentiation in the age groups for professional staff, with 32% of women and 32.5% of men over 50, and 10% of women and 11% of men being 61 years and over.
Our resources in this section are designed to provide practical information and resources for mature age staff and their managers.