Outside the University


If you feel you would like to make a difference or contribute in some way you might consider volunteering. Either contact your preferred charity and offer your services or contact Volunteering NZ which provides information and details of how to volunteer as an individual or as a group for as little or as much time as you can offer.

Youth mentoring

Youth mentors are caring individuals who move alongside young people to encourage them to reach their unique potential. New Zealand Youth Mentoring Network works with organisations and practitioners to promote effective youth mentoring. They provide advice, support, access to best practice resources and training in Mentoring.

Business mentoring

If you are an experienced business person who understands small business and would like to give something back to your community and the small business sector through sharing your business knowledge and experience you might want to consider business mentoring. Business Mentors New Zealand provides a volunteer mentoring service to New Zealand SME businesses and is recommended by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Community education: student or tutor

Community colleges offer a whole range of courses and workshops. As well as attending one as a participant, the colleges are also always looking for new tutors and courses which will extend the opportunities they make to the local and wider community. Contact your local college through the Community Education website.

New career

If you are thinking of applying for a new job or looking at a whole new career change the University’s Career Development and Employment Services may be able to help. Check the website for tools services, news and articles.
Careers NZ website has job search and labour market information as well as information on making a career change and keeping a work-life balance.