Working in the University
Career development
Effective learning and development is important for all workers, whatever their age or position. It allows people to keep their skills up-to-date, build or maintain their confidence and continue to be engaged.
A range of development opportunities, including continuing developing leadership capability are offered by People and Organisational Development (POD) which are designed to enhance your performance no matter what your position or level. These are available to both professional and academic staff members at Career Development and Staff learning and development at the university
Mentoring and coaching
One of the ways a mature age employee can continue to be engaged is through mentoring or coaching. Having significant acquired knowledge and experience are benefits of being a mature age employee. These in turn can be shared with younger and/or less experienced staff.
Benefits of mentoring include:
- making a difference; doing something meaningful
- assisting a younger person improve specific skills or develop in their career
- challenges you to stay at the top of your game
- is likely to inspire fresh ideas and help you stay cognitively challenged
- enables your team and the university to progress at a faster pace with greater productivity
Reciprocal mentoring may also be attractive and a way for mature age employees to both give and receive appropriate career development. It involves a knowledge exchange between the two parties. For example, many ‘Baby Boomer’ staff can guide the ‘Millennials” with their professional and management experience while perhaps learning from this younger tech savvy generation.
Information and courses are available for staff to develop their mentoring and coaching skills at:
Mentoring and coaching workshops and resources
Developing successful mentoring practice
Youth mentoring, business mentoring, coaching and tutoring outside of work are additional ways to stay engaged, keep your skills up-to-date as well as to give back to the community.
See more at Outside the University.
Succession planning
It’s never too early to discuss with your manager (and team) transitioning your knowledge to others. Discuss knowledge sharing, delegation of some tasks, mentoring, and any potential issues regarding succession.
Flexible work practices
The right to request flexible working arrangements is extended to all workers at any time. Furthermore, the University is committed to helping staff achieve a balance between their work, family and personal lives and this includes where practical offering flexible working arrangements. These can be related to carer responsibilities or for other reasons such as to engage in part-time study, career development, phased retirement or for work-life balance.
See the Flexible Work Policy and Procedures, which includes a link to the flexible work arrangements application form.