Past CPC seminars
Find out more about seminars for staff with parenting responsibilities that were organised by the Equity Office Te Ara Tautika.
Strategies to promote healthy, happy and resilient teenagers
Simon Denny (Associate Professor, School of Medicine, and paediatrician at the Centre for Youth Health) on thriving teenagers and how parents can support them.
Bullying, cyberbullying and your children
Dr John Fenaughty held a presentation about bullying and cyberbullying.
Food allergies and intolerances
Associate Professor Clare Wall, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences spoke about food allergies and intolerances.
Gifted and talented students in schools
Dr John Hope (Associate Dean International Programmes, Faculty of Education) presented on Gifted and Talented Students in Schools.
Living in a stepfamily: the rewards and challenges
Senior Lecturer in the Doctor of Clinical Psychology programme Dr Claire Cartwright, presented “Living in a stepfamily: the rewards and challenges.”
Good mental health and wellbeing
Dr Fiona Moir (MBChB, MRCGP) presented an overview of the many ways in which stress can influence people's lives.
Parenthood, employment and the 'child penalty'
Professor Maureen Baker presented findings from her research “Academic Careers and the Gender Gap” at a seminar.
Parental leave and the return to employment
Associate Professor Susan Morton, Research Director of Growing Up in New Zealand, talked about managing the transition back to work.
Understanding NCEA
Professor McKinley answered frequently asked questions about NCEA.
What does quality infant-toddler care and education look like
This presentation looked at the results of a Literature Review for the Ministry of Education on “Quality early childhood education for under-two year olds.”
Parenting primary children
Dr Louise Keown discussed key changes in children’s social and behavioural development and parenting issues in middle childhood.
Maternal nutrition- a healthy start to life
Associate Professor of Neonatology Liggins Institute Dr Frank Bloomfield discussed current research findings on maternal nutrition at a seminar.
Having it all: combining babies and a career
Professor Cindy Farquhar, Postgraduate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at The University of Auckland, shared her expertise.
What can parents do to help their children succeed in school?
A presentation delivered by Professor Stuart McNaughton, head of the Woolf Fisher Research Centre.