Academics and disability

Information and resources to assist in supporting academics with disabilities.

Articles and books

There are many articles and books which discuss the position of academics with disability within ableist institutions. For example:

Ableism in Academia – UCL Press

Reporting from the Margins: Disabled Academics Reflections on Higher Education

Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education on JSTOR

Epistemic exploitation

Epistemic violence in disability-related research

There are others which take the issue to the next step and detail not only the issues and barriers for disabled academics but also strategies for the individuals concerned, personnel charged with supporting those staff and the organisation to respond to those issues. These include:

Chronic fatigue and university support for disabilities – The Research Whisperer

Reporting from the Margins: Disabled Academics Reflections on Higher Education (

Policy Press | Lived Experiences of Ableism in Academia - Strategies for Inclusion in Higher Education : Edited by Nicole Brown (

Specific topics for academics within the University

Hosting inclusive conferences University of Auckland

University of Oxford Inclusive Conference Guide

Equity in research University of Auckland Research Hub

Strategies for managers to support academics with disability

  • Ask what their needs are
  • Listen and understand
  • Get advice if needed; Staff Equity, HR, HS&W, specialist expert etc
  • Become familiar with and advise about relevant policies such as Achievement Relative to Opportunity Policy and Procedures, Staff with Disabilities Policy, Flexible Work Policy
  • Provide reasonable accommodations as required. In addition to the more obvious accommodations of removing physical barriers or providing assistive technology, reasonable accommodations (on a permanent or temporary basis) may include; reduced workload, re-allocating some tasks to another colleague; revising objectives set in Tupu or ADPR, provision of a quiet space, removal of environmental irritants from the workplace, having a GTA support teaching, use of leave (annual, sick, unpaid), paid assessment and (return to) work plan development by a specialist, Read Reasonable accommodations
  • Keep checking in and review needs.