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The enhancement and evaluation of teaching and courses, class representation, academic timetabling, inclusive learning and teaching of students with impairments and information literacy.
Enhancement and Evaluation of Teaching and Courses Policy and Procedures
This policy provides a comprehensive framework for the enhancement and evaluation of the teaching and courses delivered by the University.
Recording of Taught Content Policy and Procedures
Policy and procedures for the recording of taught content in courses, the editing of recordings, and the release of the recordings to students.
Inclusive Learning and Teaching of Students with Impairments Guidelines
Principles and guidelines for faculties, service divisions, staff members and students for the inclusive learning and teaching of students with impairments.
Concurrent Teaching Policy
Outlines the requirements for faculties to ensure a clear difference is maintained between the different levels of courses taught concurrently.
Work-Based Learning Policy
To direct the establishment and maintenance of University systems to support Work-Based Learning (WBL).
Work-Based Learning Procedures
To outline procedures to protect students engaged in WBL and to clarify the responsibilities of the parties involved.
Work-Based Learning Guidelines
To guide staff members on the establishment of formal University-initiated work-based learning (WBL) agreements.
Relevant other Policies and Guidelines for staff and students
Undergraduate Targeted Admissions Schemes (UTAS) policy and guidelines.
A handy tool that helps you to locate our policies and related documents.
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