Work-Based Learning Policy


All University staff members and students.


To direct the establishment and maintenance of University systems to support Work-Based Learning (WBL).


The University is committed to ensuring that students are supported to gain the significant benefits of Work-Based Learning and are healthy, safe and well while engaged in paid and/or unpaid Work-Based Learning.


1. All WBL agreements entered into by the University will be documented using an appropriate University template agreement or be approved by the General Counsel or delegate.

2. The University will seek to ensure that WBL agreements include;

a. provisions for appropriate care and support of the student and an undertaking to name a point of contact within the host organisation.

b. a standard feedback procedure for the Host Organisation if they have a complaint or problem concerning the conduct of the student.

3. All WBL agreements will be maintained in a central register that is accessible by relevant staff across the University.

4. Maintenance of the register is the responsibility of the Career Development & Employment Services (CDES) Unit.

5. Each faculty and relevant service division is to advise CDES:

  • which staff positions in the faculty have responsibilities for work-based learning arrangements agreed between the University and a host organisation, including those who:

i. negotiate and document WBL arrangements subject to item 1 above

ii. co-ordinate one or more documented WBL arrangements by placing students and being a University point of contact for the host organisation and/or the placed students.

  • which staff positions will be the key contact point for students who have initiated their own WBL.

6. An appropriate level of training is to be delivered for all University staff members with WBL responsibilities.

7. A Community of Interest is to be established and maintained for all University staff members with WBL responsibilities.


The following definitions apply to this document:

Host organisation refers to the external organisation that hosts the student who is undertaking WBL.

Staff members refers to individuals employed by the University on a full or part-time basis.

University means the University of Auckland and includes all subsidiaries.

Work-based learning (WBL) refers to learning arising from activity within a host organisation that includes:

(i) formal curricula requirements and/or

(ii) opportunities for students to learn through exploring work challenges including undertaking assigned tasks, participating in teams and engaging in projects.

Key relevant documents

Document management and control

Owner: Pro Vice-Chancellor Education
Content manager: Manager, Academic Quality
Approved by: Vice-Chancellor
Date approved: September 2019
Date of implementation: 2 March 2020
Review date: 2 March 2025