Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori

Professor Te Kawehau Hoskins BA, MA(Hons), PhD

Associate Professor Te Kawehau Hoskins

The role of the Ihonuku, Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori

Te Kawehau (Ngāti Hau, Ngāpuhi) focuses on developing a positive Māori profile within and about the University and helping develop Māori programmes in liaison with the Vice-Chancellor, Māori staff, students and the community.

She advises the University at all levels, from the Vice-Chancellor to the University Executive Committee and faculties through our management structure. At the faculty level, she works with kaiārahi to support both academic and professional staff. She maintains working relationships with Māori student groups.

Te Kawehau is also responsible for Waipapa Marae and the Rūnanga.

Professor Te Kawehau Hoskins

Contact the Ihonuku, Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori

Professor Te Kawehau Hoskins

Phone: +64 9 923 5080

Executive Assistant

Wairemana Phillips  


Ihonuku | Pro Vice-Chancellor Māori

Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand