August 2021
Inside this issue of UniNews: Dr Jin Russell on child poverty; Te Kawehau Hoskins' key messages; Farewell to key staff; Tim Hazledine's opinion on how universities need to change; and Korean student president Thomas Oh. Plus 'Good to Know' and staff 'In the News'.

Cover story
Jin Russell: 'Let's have a conversation about child development'
Dr Jin Russell is a consultant paediatrician at Starship and doing her PhD with Growing Up in New Zealand. She says poverty is affecting children's development as well as their physical health.
Te Kawehau Hoskins on why relationships are so important
Te Kawehau Hoskins doesn't expect staff and students to be fluent in te reo Māori but to be open to learning and to understanding matauranga Māori.
Tim Hazledine: 'Managerialism doesn't belong in universities'
Opinion: Professor of Economics Tim Hazledine will retire in August. He still recommends academia as a career but rues the influence of what he calls managerialism.
Covid-19 connects Korean community in New Zealand
President of the Auckland Korean Students' Association Thomas Oh and a group of Korean students are grateful to the 2020 lockdowns for strengthening their community connections.
In the News (see page 2 of PDF)
Professor Nicola Gavey
Associate Professor Ngarino Ellis
Dr Chris Wilson
Dr Lisa Reynolds
Dr Kiri Dell
Well-known faces depart Farewell to John Morrow, Prue Toft and Terry O'Neill pg 3
Good to Know items
High-achieving girls do it tough pg 4 (Link to full story)
Health research grants and Cervantee Wild pg 4
Welcome to Provost Professor Valerie Linton Pg 4
Silence at new depths (Link to full story) Pg 5
Human Nutrition Unit call for volunteers (Link to details) Pg 5
Susanna Trnka to edit American Ethnologist Pg 5 (Link to full story)
Medicine's curiosities on show pg 11
Auckland Medical History Society's library collection at Ernest and Marion Davis Memorial Library
Book now for Summer Stays pg 11
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Copy deadline is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication.
UniNews editor
Denise Montgomery
DDI: +64 9 923 6061 In the office Tuesday-Thursday
Mobile: 027 224 0181 Monday to Friday