SDG 14 Oranga Moana

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Marine Science draws on a range of disciplines to advance our understanding of the functioning and management of the oceans. It combines research areas in aquaculture, coastal processes, fisheries science, marine biology, marine conservation, marine geology and oceanography to explore the marine habitat. All programmes are relevant to SDG 14. 

Undergraduate courses in other subjects

Course code and title Subject
BIOSCI 100: Antarctica: The Frozen Continent
Biological Science
BIOSCI 206: Principles of Ecology
Biological Science
BIOSCI 328: Fisheries and Aquaculture
Biological Science
BIOSCI 329: Biology of Fish
Biological Science
BIOSCI 330: Freshwater and Estuarine Ecology
Biological Science
BIOSCI 333: Marine Ecology
Biological Science
GEOPHYS 331: Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean
LAWPUBL 435: Law of the Sea and Antarctica
Law Public
PHYSED 303: Outdoor Education Leadership
Physical Education
SOCIOL 229: Environmental Sociology
SUSTAIN 200: The Sustainable Community Sustainability

Postgraduate courses in other subjects

Course code and title Subject
BIOSCI 727: Aquaculture
Biological Science
ENGSCI 740: Advanced Mechanics in Research and Technology
Engineering Science
ENVENG 701: Urban Stormwater Management
Environmental Engineering
ENVENG 707: Special Topic: Advanced Water Treatment and Reuse
Environmental Engineering
ENVENG 746: Surface Water Quality Modelling
Environmental Engineering
ENVSCI 702: Applied Estuarine Ecology
Environmental Science
ENVSCI 714: Water Quality Science
Environmental Science
ENVSCI 716: Aquatic Ecological Assessment
Environmental Science
ENVSCI 734: Restoration and Landscape Ecology
Environmental Science
ENVSCI 737: Applied Terrestrial Ecology
Environmental Science
LAWENVIR 721: Special Topic: Ocean Governance Law
Law Environmental
LAWENVIR 723: Climate Change Law
Law Environmental
LAWENVIR 732: Special Topic: Multilateral Trading Systems and Protection of the
Law Environmental
LAWENVIR 733: Special Topic: International Fisheries Law
Law Environmental
LAWENVIR 734: Special Topic: Law and Governance for Sustainability
Law Environmental
SOCIOL 745: Special Topic: The Sociology of Science