SDG 5 Mana Taurite

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Sociology pays special attention to questions of power and social justice. Of particular relevance to SDG 5, this subject examines and analyses different aspects of modern society such as family, gender and sexuality.

Undergraduate courses

Course code and title Subject
SOCIOL 101G: Understanding Aotearoa New Zealand
General Education
DANCE 200G: Dance and Culture General Education
ANTHRO 314: New Zealand Ethnography
ASIAN 303: Asian Identities
Asian Studies
CRIM 305: Special Topic: Victims and Victimology
EDUC 116: Introduction to Educational Thought
EDUC 213: Education and Social Justice
GENDER 208: Thinking Gender
Gender Studies
HEALTHED 202: Sexuality, Education and Society
Health Education
HISTORY 210/367: Health, Medicine and Society
LAWGENRL 422: Women and the Law
Law General
LAWPUBL 428: Rights and Freedoms
Law Public
PHIL 210: Applied Ethics
POLITICS 109: Foundations of Western Politics and Law
POLITICS 209: Modern Political Thought
POLITICS 222: Public Policy: Actors, Processes and Politics
POLITICS 320: Social Justice
SOCCHFAM 232: Child and Family Law and Social Work
Social Work Child and Family Practice
SOCCHFAM 332: Working with Children and Families
Social Work Child and Family Practice
SPANISH 313: Engendering Nations Spanish
THEOREL 211: Religion, Gender and Sexuality
Theological and Religious Studies
URBPLAN 204: Urban Planning Social Theory and Practice
Urban Planning
YOUTHWRK 253: Addictions and Youth
Youth Work

Postgraduate courses

Course code and title Subject
DEVELOP 710: Development Policies and Institutions
Development Studies
EDUC 732: Special Topic: Culturally Sustaining Leadership
EDUC 734: Māori/Indigenous Language Revitalisation
FRENCH 729: Gender and Culture: Perspectives from the French-speaking World
FTVMS 709: Sexuality and Media
Media, Film and Television
GEOG 712: Land, Place and Culture
LAWHONS 702A: Human Rights
Law Honours
OBSTGYN 715: Medical Gynaecology 1
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
OBSTGYN 716: Medical Gynaecology 2
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
PROFCOUN 707: Specialist Counselling Skills and Approaches
Professional Counselling
PSYCH 755: Gender, Power, and Sexuality
SOCCHFAM 700: Domestic Violence: Challenges and Responses Social Work Child and Family Practice
SOCCHFAM 431/731: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Issues
Social Work Child and Family Practice