Documents to support your application

You will need to provide documents to support your application. Below are examples. After you submit your application, you will be sent an email listing the documents we require.

Alternatively, you can check your application portal for more information. To do this, please see Continue your application.

Supporting Documents - Required Supporting Documents - Examples
Evidence of your name, date of birth, name changes, citizenship or residency
  • Birth Certificate, or
  • Relevant pages of your passport, or
  • Citizenship Certificate.

Identity documents must be correctly certified before submitting online. Please follow the detailed instructions in your online application.

For more information about providing this document, please see Identity documents.

Evidence of prior study (1) (2)
Overseas secondary school
You can submit your secondary school transcript if you have completed your studies overseas. 
For more information, check out Secondary school-level transcripts.
Tertiary-level study
We need to see all teritary study you've completed or attempted in the form of academic transcripts.
You can submit your tertiary-level transcripts in your application portal. If you're asked to provide evidence of completion, you can also submit these to your application portal. 
For more information, check out Tertiary-level transcripts and certificates.
If your documents are in a language other than English, you must provide the original language version and the English translation.
For more information, please see Translation of documents for admissions.
Transfer of credit
If you're looking to transfer credit, you will be asked to provide course outlines (3).
Evidence of English language proficiency (4)

IELTS or TOEFL or equivalent. 

For more information about why evidence of English language proficiency may be needed, please see Proof of English language proficiency.

Additional documents

Supplementary forms, interviews, portfolios or auditions.

After you apply, we will email you with any additional requirements and how to complete them.

1. If you are waiting for final results, you can make an application and we will process it as far as possible. When your final results are available, upload your official academic transcript(s) to your application. To access your submitted application, please see Continue your application.

2. If you completed NCEA, Cambridge International and IB study in New Zealand, don’t send copies of your results - we can access these directly. Please ensure you have entered your study information in your application for admission and granted the University of Auckland permission to access your results. To apply, please visit Apply now.

3. Your course outlines may be requested if you apply to transfer credit. You will be notified if more documents are required, for example the degree/diploma structure and grading system. For information about course outlines, please visit Course outlines for external transfer of credit applications.

4. International applicants or domestic applicants whose first language is not English need to meet English language requirements. For more information, see: