Information for new doctoral students

We welcome scholars to become part of our community of doctoral candidates in Social Work and Education.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

PhD candidates undertaking the Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work or Education carry out original, advanced research and present it as a written thesis. The degree is completed after an oral examination.

The PhD does not include coursework, however coursework might be required during the first year (your provisional year).

Please note: We do not offer doctoral programmes by distance.

School support

Our faculty has five schools. Once enrolled in a PhD programme, you will be placed in the same school as your main supervisor. Your school will then provide you with the resources you need to start your journey, such as:

  • Workspace and desk
  • Computer and phone
  • Access to printing

For more information, visit our Schools and Departments pages:

Your first year (provisional year)

The first 12 months of full-time study in the doctoral programme (24 months part-time) is provisional. This means to continue in the programme, you must achieve certain goals set for your provisional year. These goals include:

  • Successful completion of a research proposal (completed within six months)*
  • Completion of one substantial piece of written work (completed within 12 months)*
  • Seminar presentation of research progress
  • Approval of full thesis proposal by the appropriate school or faculty committee
  • Ethics approval (if required)
  • Attendance at one of the Doctoral Skills Programme induction days
  • DELNA screening**

At the end of your provisional year, a written report will be completed that documents your progress and achievements.

Other goals may also be added to your provisional year, subject to agreement between you and your supervisors.

*The months refer to full-time study.
**Should the DELNA diagnostic be advised following the screening, you must undergo the diagnostic and attend any language enrichment recommended by the Language Adviser.

Research proposal

You must complete and submit a full research proposal for your PhD during your provisional year. Once completed, the proposal is reviewed by two academics nominated by your supervisors.

These academics make judgements about the quality of your proposed research and provide feedback. Amendments can be made to your proposal prior to submission to the faculty’s PhD adviser.

The proposal must be approved by the faculty and the University’s Board of Graduate Studies before you can be fully registered.

If you need help putting together your research proposal, you can visit the following pages:

Ethics approval

If your research requires human participants, you must obtain ethics approval. All research conducted within the Faculty of Education and Social Work adheres to the University’s Human Participants Ethics Committee guidelines.

Guidelines and application information: 


Jointly awarded PhDs

As part of the Universitas 21 international consortium, the University of Auckland can enable doctoral degrees that are jointly awarded with another education partner.

Further information about joint PhDs can be accessed at the Universitas 21 website.

Student Hubs

Visit your hubs for help and advice on any aspect of your studies and life at University.

The Student Hubs services are available seven days a week at the City, Grafton  and Tai Tonga campuses and six days a week at Tai Tokerau, with friendly staff available to provide you with advice on any aspect of your studies and life at the University.