
Tuākana is a community that provides mentoring for undergraduate Māori and Pacific students.

Tuākana in Arts and Education

Tuākana is a Māori and Pacific philosophy of care, expressed in the whakataukī ‘mā te tuākana e tōtika te teina, mā te teina e tōtika te tuakana’. The Tuākana programme is based on the tuākana-teina relationship, in which the older sibling (tuākana) guides the younger sibling (teina). Pacific islands such as Tahiti, Fiji and Niue also share the concept. 

The tuākana provides guidance to the teina; as the senior person in the relationship, they share their knowledge, skills and expertise. The exchange is reciprocal, as the tuākana also learns from their teina. 

At the University, Tuākana is where Māori and Pacific students thrive on campus. We celebrate and nurture Indigenous success. In the Tuākana programme, there is space for whanaungatanga, wānanga, fonotaga, tutorials and workshops. The Faculty of Arts and Education offers Tuākana programmes for students across all its disciplines.

Tuākana for Music, Dance Studies and Fine Arts students

Our team of senior Mana Moana students (tuākana) are dedicated to supporting teina to enhance success during their studies.

We organise academic drop-in sessions with kai, regular workshops within each discipline, and assignment/examination wānanga. We also have shared kai and kōrero throughout the year to foster whakawhanaungatanga.


Email: evelina.lolesi@auckland.ac.nz

Tuākana for Arts, Global Studies and Communication students

Our Tuākana teaching assistants, who are the frontline of our programme, are high-achieving Māori and Pacific students who provide academic support to our teina enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Global Studies or Bachelor of Communication. Our academic support is designed to enrich students' experience while prioritising academic success.

During the semester, we host Tuākana Wānanga, Hāpai and exam wānanga by utilising the best practices in Māori and Pacific teaching to help students reach their academic potential while building lasting relationships within the faculty’s community.

As a Tuākana programme within the Faculty of Arts and Education, we provide a culturally inclusive and supportive space from the first year of study until the final year.

If you have any questions or require help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Email the team at tuakanaartsuoa@auckland.ac.nz or come and see us in Okareta, Building 215, 14 Symonds Street.

Tuākana Administrator
Malisa Harford
Email: malisa.harford@auckland.ac.nz

Tuākana for Education, Teaching, Early Childhood Studies, Sport Health and PE, Social Work and the Bachelor of TESOL

Te Korowai Atawhai

Te Korowai Atawhai provides a safe space for tauira Māori (Māori students) to explore their cultural identity within the University and provides manaaki (support) throughout their academic journey. As a service, our focus is to awhi (nurture) tauira, helping them reach their potential in whatever pathway they choose to follow from pre-enrolment through to graduation.

How we help

We provide a range of support services for students who are enrolled in Education and Social Work programmes. Committed to Māori student success, we work hard to help each student achieve their goals.

Our Pou Whirinaki mentors come from our student community and are experts in their programmes, equipped with essential study skills. Throughout the semester, they provide academic, social and cultural support.


Email: tekorowaiatawhai@auckland.ac.nz

Pasifika Success

At Pasifika Success (PS), we are committed to encouraging and assisting Pacific students to be confident and independent learners. We also hold space for non-Pacific students who are open to being mentored from a Pacific lens.

Our Pasifika Success team are made up of mentors of Pasifika descent who have all been students too and understand the challenges of studying at university, so we provide a culturally supportive and friendly environment.

Our mentors all hold postgraduate degrees in their fields, so we have the capacity to support both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Education.


Contact our team via email: pasifika.success@auckland.ac.nz or come see us in person in our Pasifika Success study space and offices in B113,  Level 1.