Movements, migrations and mobilities

Research movements, migrations and mobilities in Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland — a mooring place for waka/canoes arriving from many places, but tied together here.

Caroline studies contemporary Pacific art, in particular Pacific artists based in New Zealand, visual culture in the Pacific and performance art.

Caroline's research

Yvonne works on the post-colonial geographies of Oceania and post-colonial development of the Pacific.

Yvonne's research
Associate Professor Dan Hikuroa

Dan is an earth systems scientist who integrates mātauranga Māori and science to realise the dreams and aspirations of the communities he works with.

Dan's research
Dr Kathryn Lehman

Kathryn explores Indigenous sovereignty in lands currently occupied by modern nation-states in Latin America and Abya Yala.

Kathryn's research
Dr Chris Wilson

Chris's research explores the broad topic of violent conflict in Asia and he is currently focusing on the causes of migration-related tension and violence.

Chris's research

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