Other supervision possibilities

We offer PhD supervision opportunities across multiple disciplines. Take a look at our strengths and interests in movements, migrations and mobilities.

Belonging and becoming

Associate Professor Changzoo Song
Korean diasporic identity and diaspora-homeland relationship

Professor Mark Mullins
Religion-state issues in modern Japan

Associate Professor Aroha Harris
Māori urban lives, post-war Māori and Auckland City

Dr Maxine Lewis
Space and place in antiquity, including the spatial turn

Professor Jeremy Armstrong
Formation and development of ancient states

Professor Alex Calder
Literature and settlement

Anxieties over free and restricted movement

Dr Chris Wilson
Ethnic and religious conflict, insurgency and civil war

Professor Kim Phillips
Medieval travel and cross-cultural encounters

Dr Rumi Sakamoto
Japanese nationalism and national/cultural identity

Professor Gillian Brock
Migration and justice

The movement of ideas and objects

Professor Mark Mullins
Religion-state issues in modern Japan

Dr Mark Busse
Social organisation, reciprocity and markets, and inequality in Papua New Guinea

Professor Jeremy Armstrong
Formation and development of ancient states

Dr Bruce Floyd
Human growth and development


Associate Professor Changzoo Song
Korean diasporic identity and diaspora-homeland relationship

Associate Professor Stephen Noakes
Global civil society and politics of foreign aid

Professor Malcolm Campbell
History of migration

Dr Nicole Perry
Germany in the South Pacific, travel writing


Associate Professor Stephen Noakes
Global civil society and politics of foreign aid

Dr Mark Busse
Social organisation, reciprocity and markets, and inequality in Papua New Guinea

Professor Gillian Brock
Migration and justice


Dr Chris Wilson
Ethnic and religious conflict, insurgency and civil war

Dr Rumi Sakamoto
Japanese nationalism and national/cultural identity