Study options

Explore the unique and varied programmes and courses we have available at the Faculty of Arts and Education.

Explore undergraduate study options and begin your university journey today!

Hōparatia | Explore

Choose from a wide array of programmes and courses and explore the varied subjects and majors across the arts.

Hōpara kowhiringa | Explore options

Deepen your knowledge and further you career with postgraduate study.

Tūhuratia | Discover

Everything you need to know about undertaking doctoral studies in the Faculty of Arts and Education, including programmes, supervisors and scholarships.

Pānui tonu | Read more

Find a supervisor for your postgraduate research, or a research project that you can join.

Find a supervisor

Welcome to the Student Hubs. Our friendly staff will provide you with advice on any aspect of your studies and life at the University of Auckland.

Kimihia te roanga atu | Find out more

Discuss your academic plans or get tailored subject advice from one of our academic advisers.

Hōpara ratonga | Explore services