Learn about academic integrity and copyright, how to handle academic disputes, exam recounts and more.
Teaching and learning
The University of Auckland has policies concerning the quality of all teaching and learning. These policies can be found at Teaching and Learning.
Complaints relating to staff members, including tutors, or courses
You should as a first step, raise issues of concern directly with the course director. If you feel unable to approach the academic staff member directly, you should discuss the matter with the elected class representative who may make the approach on your behalf.
If informal procedures do not result in a successful resolution of the matter, you or the class representative can raise the issue with the Associate Dean (Academic). You must make this in writing. All matters relevant to the complaint must be provided by the student or class representative. No new material concerning the complaint will be admitted or considered subsequently. The Associate Dean will investigate the matter or appoint a nominee to do so (a person not involved or implicated in the complaint). Following the investigation into the complaint, the Associate Dean (Academic) will:
i. Dismiss the dispute; or
ii. Agree with the parties on the procedure to resolve the dispute; or
iii. Refer the matter to the Dean.
The Associate Dean (Academic) will inform the student in writing of the outcome of the investigation.
Complaints relating to tests/examinations
Students must not communicate with an examiner in regard to an examination (either in the script book or otherwise). If you have a concern about an examination you must raise this in writing, with the University Examinations Office
If you have a concern about a test you should write to the Associate Dean (Academic) who will investigate the matter in accordance with the Examination Regulations.
Exam recounts
For University policies and more information about how to apply for an exam recount please visit: Exam recounts.