Te Rākau Ture
The Tree of Law
E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tō ao pa tō ringa ki ngā rākau a te pākehā hei oranga mō, tō tinana... Tō ngakau ki ngā taonga a tipuna Māori, hei tikitiki mō tō mahunga mō wairua ki te Atua.. Nānā nei ngā mea katoa...
Grasp hold of the tools of the Pākehā, for your bodily well-being.. Feed your mind, heart and spirit with the treasures of our ancestors. – Sir Apirana Ngāta

Nau mai haeremai ki tēnei Te Rākau Ture. Kaua e whakamā ki te uru mai, MAURI ORA.
WELCOME to the Māori Law Students’ Association, Te Rākau Ture, don’t be shy to join up. Te Rākau Ture provides a fantastic social and academic support network for Māori law students – your whanau away from whanau. We encourage all students to participate and get involved in MAP tutorials, socials, mentoring programmes, Haerenga and the Māori Issues Moot.
Mauri Ora
Tē Ako o Tē Tui is the Māori Law students’ room in Building 810, Level 4, Room 401. It is a great place to come and socialise, containing a kitchen, fridge, and computers.
Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TRTUOA/
Contact us: te-rakau-ture@auckland.ac.nz
Te Kōmiti Whakahaere / Te Rākau Ture Executive
Tumuaki Wahine / Female Co-President
Solita Turner
Tumuaki Tane / Male Co-President
Wiremu Te Hiko Te Rangi
Kaiāwhina / Secretary
Jacob Penrose
Kaitiaki Pūtea / Treasurers
Alice Madsen
Benjamin Morgan
Pou Tikanga / Cultural Officer
Shanayla Barrett
Apiha Whakaako / Education Officer
Jorja Heta
Apiha Whakapā / Public Officer
Trent Ormsby
Apiha Whakaroopu / Social Officer
Lily Sumich
Apiha Hākinakina / Sports Officer
Caleb Wilson