Equity in Housing Taxation?

A public lecture presented by Michael Littlewood

As New Zealand’s housing market continues to evolve, a variety of tax measures have been proposed (both from the right and left in politics) to balance promoting homeownership, stimulating investment, and economic stability. In this session, key policy options of taxing housing will be discussed from New Zealand and overseas including proposals for a capital gains tax, wealth tax, stamp duty, inheritance tax, vacancy tax as well as taxation incentives. This session aims to shed light on the pros and cons of such taxes to offer valuable insights into the policy options available in the search for an equitable, fair, and effective housing tax landscape in New Zealand.

Speaker: Michael Littlewood

Date: Thursday, 25 July
Time: 5.15pm – 6.15pm
Venue: Building 810, Seminar Room 336 (810-336)