About the NZ Journal of Environmental Law
The New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law (NZJEL) was founded in 1997 with the assistance of the New Zealand Law Foundation and Auckland Law School.
The Journal is in the format of a University law review and is the only academic publication of its kind in New Zealand. It is intended to provide an outlet for longer analytical and comparative legal writing in the environmental and natural resources law area. In addition to articles, there are sections for case-notes, legislation notes, book reviews and a forum.
The University of Auckland library has the full text of the NZJEL (1997-2017) available to staff and students logged in to the University of Auckland website:
New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law.
Since its inception the Journal has achieved a wide circulation amongst University law schools, law firms, central and local government agencies, courts, and other local and international organisations with an interest in environmental and resource management law.
The General Editors of the NZJEL are currently Professor David Grinlinton and Dr Kenneth Palmer of the Auckland Law School at the University of Auckland, with an editorial committee drawn from the Faculty, the School of Architecture and Planning and the profession.
Editorial committee
General Editor
- Professor Klaus Bosselmann
- Dr Kenneth Palmer
- Professor Caroline Foster
- Prue Taylor
- Associate Professor Andrew Erueti
Auckland Law School
The University of Auckland
The New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law is published once per year, in November/December. The closing date for submission of material for consideration is 30 June in any year.
The NZJEL is a refereed journal. It is currently published as an annual volume. The Editorial Committee invites the submission of articles, case notes, or legislation notes for consideration. Articles are not limited to New Zealand content. The Editorial Committee is also interested in receiving, through academic staff, any contribution from graduate or undergraduate students, that may be worthy of publication.
Contributions should comply with the Auckland Law School Style Manual, which is available from the General Editors. A short set of "Guidelines for Contributors" can be found inside the back cover of the most recent issue of the Journal.
Articles and other contributions submitted for publication in the Journal, or requests for further information or copies of the Style Manual should be directed to:
The General Editors
New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law
Auckland Law School
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland City
Telephone: + 64 9 373-7599 (ext. 87230)
Facsimile: + 64 9 373-7440
Email: d.grinlinton@auckland.ac.nz