Past events

An overview of past events hosted by the New Zealand Centre for Legal and Political Theory.

Annual ‘Theory Matters’ Lecture

Professor Brian
Professor Brian Tamanaha presenting Annual ‘Theory Matters’ Lecture on 'A Framework for Legal Pluralism.'

NZCLPT Seminars


  • Professor Andrew Simester (National University of Singapore) “Free, Deliberate, and Informed?
  • Professor Paul Schiff Berman (George Mason University) ‘An Introduction to Global Legal Pluralism: From Local to Global, from Descriptive to Normative’.
  • Professor Joshua Getzler (University of Oxford), “Securities lending, the right to use, and financial trusts – lessons (imperfectly learned) from the Lehman insolvency”.
  • Professor Brian Tamanaha (George Washington) “Contemporary Natural Law Philosophy”.
  • Emeritus Professor Jerry Postema (University of North Carolina) Law’s Rule.


With borders still closed our NZCLPT seminar series was replaced by an online series on ‘Pluralising Legalities’, in collaboration with the Otago Centre for Law and Society and Te Puna Rangahau o te Wai Ariki | NZ Centre for Indigenous Peoples and the Law. Three sessions:

  • Professor Fernanda Pirie (Oxford) book discussion of The Rule of Laws
  • Professor Justin Richland (University of California Irvine) book discussion of Cooperation without Submission Cooperation without Submission: Indigenous Jurisdictions in Native Nation–US Engagements (University of Chicago Press, 2021).
  • Associate Professor Ann Black (University of Queensland) book discussion of Md. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Ann Black (Eds) Religious Freedom in Secular States (Brill, 2022).

2020 and 2021

The seminar series was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid restrictions.


  • Professor James Penner (National University of Singapore), ‘The Justification for Property Rights’
  • Professor Katrina Wyman (New York University) ‘Property as Intangible Property’
  • Professor Benedict Kingsbury (New York University) “Global Administrative Law in the 2020s’


  • Professor Dan Priel (Osgoode Law School), ‘New Questions for Jurisprudence’
  • Associate Professor Yvette Russell (Bristol) ‘: 'The Irrepressibility of Sexual History Evidence in Rape Cases: A Feminist Critique'
  • Associate Professor Richard Collins, ‘A Crisis of Authority? Legitimacy and Legality in Contemporary International Law’
  • Dr Patrick Taylor Smith (National University of Singapore), ‘Institutionalism, Distributed Responsibility, and Just War Theory’
Dame Sian Elias
Dame Sian Elias presenting Annual ‘Theory Matters’ Lecture on Legal Theory and Practical Law