Russell McVeagh Environment, Planning & Natural Resources Masterclass Series

Our masterclasses are intended to provide a discussion from a practical perspective on some of the significant issues in the resource management and environmental space.


Topics for the classes:

Fast-track consenting 8 August 11.30 - 12.30pm
What is the basis for it, how has it worked in practice, what practical issues have arisen, and why has the Fast-Track Approvals Bill been so controversial

Freshwater management 11 September 12 - 1pm
Why is freshwater management so challenging, what are the key practical issues, and how have councils and the Environment Court been grappling with them?

Housing intensification –  9 October 12 - 1pm
Grappling with issues such as housing affordability, NIMBYism, special character and reverse sensitivity, we provide a verdict on how recent efforts to address housing supply and housing affordability have played out in practice 

Application process

Applications are now open.

Point of contact

Kylie Chye
Career Development & Employer Engagement Manager